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occult sciences

См. также в других словарях:

  • Occult sciences — Occult Oc*cult , a. [L. occultus, p. p. of occulere to cover up, hide; ob (see {Ob }) + a root prob. akin to E. hell: cf. F. occulte.] Hidden from the eye or the understanding; invisible; secret; concealed; unknown. [1913 Webster] It is of an… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • occult sciences — plural noun Alchemy, astrology, magic, palmistry, etc • • • Main Entry: ↑occult …   Useful english dictionary

  • Occult — Oc*cult , a. [L. occultus, p. p. of occulere to cover up, hide; ob (see {Ob }) + a root prob. akin to E. hell: cf. F. occulte.] Hidden from the eye or the understanding; invisible; secret; concealed; unknown. [1913 Webster] It is of an occult… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Occult line — Occult Oc*cult , a. [L. occultus, p. p. of occulere to cover up, hide; ob (see {Ob }) + a root prob. akin to E. hell: cf. F. occulte.] Hidden from the eye or the understanding; invisible; secret; concealed; unknown. [1913 Webster] It is of an… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Occult qualities — Occult Oc*cult , a. [L. occultus, p. p. of occulere to cover up, hide; ob (see {Ob }) + a root prob. akin to E. hell: cf. F. occulte.] Hidden from the eye or the understanding; invisible; secret; concealed; unknown. [1913 Webster] It is of an… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Occult science — is the systematic research into or formulation of occult concepts in a manner that follows in its method or presentation the way natural science researches or describes phenomena of the physical world. The idea of Occult Science appears in 19th… …   Wikipedia

  • Sciences occultes — Occultisme L’occultisme désigne, en histoire, un ensemble de courants spirituels et mystiques préoccupés par les forces mystérieuses du cosmos et de l homme. L astrologie qui parle des influences astrales, le néo occultisme qui traite avec Papus… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Occult Chemistry (book) — Occult Chemistry   Author(s) Annie Besant, C.W. Leadbeater and C …   Wikipedia

  • occult — (adj.) 1530s, secret, not divulged, from L. occultus hidden, concealed, secret, pp. of occulere cover over, conceal, from ob over (see OB (Cf. ob )) + a verb related to celare to hide, from PIE root *kel to hide (see CELL (Cf …   Etymology dictionary

  • Occult — For other uses, see Occult (disambiguation). The word occult comes from the Latin word occultus (clandestine, hidden, secret), referring to knowledge of the hidden .[1] In the medical sense it is used to refer to a structure or process that is… …   Wikipedia

  • occult — /ˈɒkʌlt / (say okult), /əˈkʌlt / (say uh kult) adjective 1. beyond the bounds of ordinary knowledge; mysterious. 2. not disclosed; secret; communicated only to the initiated. 3. (in early science) a. not apparent on mere inspection but… …  

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